CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 21
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 21 (1998)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1998-04].iso
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Text File
552 lines
if (_eval(DEBUG)&$8000)
debug on,lattice4
; Chunky2Planar algorithm, originally by James McCoull
; Modified by Peter McGavin for variable size and depth
; and "compare buffer" (hope I didn't slow it down too much)
; Cpu only solution VERSION 2
; Optimised for 040+fastram
; bitplanes are assumed contiguous!
; analyse instruction offsets to check performance
;void __asm c2p_6_040 (register __a0 UBYTE *chunky_data,
; register __a1 PLANEPTR raster,
; register __a2 UBYTE *compare_buffer,
; register __a4 UBYTE *xlate,
; register __d1 ULONG plsiz,
; register __d2 BOOL force_update);
;void __asm c2p_8_040 (register __a0 UBYTE *chunky_data,
; register __a1 PLANEPTR raster,
; register __a2 UBYTE *compare_buffer,
; register __d1 ULONG plsiz);
; a0 -> width*height chunky pixels
; a1 -> contiguous bitplanes
; a2 -> compare buffer
; d1 = width*height/8 (width*height must be a multiple of 32)
ifeq depth-8
xdef _c2p_8_040
ifeq depth-6
xdef _c2p_6_040
fail "unsupported depth!"
merge macro ; in1,in2,tmp3,tmp4,mask,shift
; \1 = abqr
; \2 = ijyz
move.l \2,\4
move.l #\5,\3
and.l \3,\2 ; \2 = 0j0z
and.l \1,\3 ; \3 = 0b0r
eor.l \3,\1 ; \1 = a0q0
eor.l \2,\4 ; \4 = i0y0
ifeq \6-1
add.l \3,\3
lsl.l #\6,\3 ; \3 = b0r0
lsr.l #\6,\4 ; \4 = 0i0y
or.l \3,\2 ; \2 = bjrz
or.l \4,\1 ; \1 = aiqy
xlate macro ; translate 4 8-bit pixels to 6-bit EHB
move.b (\1,a0),d7
move.b (a4,d7.w),\2
lsl.w #8,\2
move.b (\1+8,a0),d7
move.b (a4,d7.w),\2
swap \2
move.b (\1+16,a0),d7
move.b (a4,d7.w),\2
lsl.w #8,\2
move.b (\1+24,a0),d7
move.b (a4,d7.w),\2
start: movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(sp)
sub.w #46,sp ; space for temporary variables
ifle depth-6
move.w d2,(44,sp) ; video_force_update
; a0 = chunky buffer
; a1 = output area
; a2 = compare buffer
; d1 = plsiz
movea.l d1,a3 ; a3 = plsiz
move.l a0,(40,sp)
lsl.l #3,d1
add.l d1,(40,sp) ; (40,sp) -> end of chunky data
ifle depth-6
tst.w (44,sp) ; force_update?
bne.b first_case
cmpm.l (a0)+,(a2)+
bne.b stub1
cmpm.l (a0)+,(a2)+
bne.b stub2
cmpm.l (a0)+,(a2)+
bne.b stub3
cmpm.l (a0)+,(a2)+
bne.b stub4
cmpm.l (a0)+,(a2)+
bne.b stub5
cmpm.l (a0)+,(a2)+
bne.b stub6
cmpm.l (a0)+,(a2)+
bne.b stub7
cmpm.l (a0)+,(a2)+
bne.b stub8
addq.l #4,a1 ; skip 32 pixels on output
cmpa.l (40,sp),a0
bcs.b first_loop
bra.w exit ; exit if no changes found
stub8: subq.l #4,a0
subq.l #4,a2
stub7: subq.l #4,a0
subq.l #4,a2
stub6: subq.l #4,a0
subq.l #4,a2
stub5: subq.l #4,a0
subq.l #4,a2
stub4: subq.l #4,a0
subq.l #4,a2
stub3: subq.l #4,a0
subq.l #4,a2
stub2: subq.l #4,a0
subq.l #4,a2
stub1: subq.l #4,a0
subq.l #4,a2
ifgt depth-6 ; depth 8 code --- no need to xlate pixels
move.l (0,a0),d1
move.l (4,a0),d3
move.l (8,a0),d0
move.l (12,a0),d2
move.l (2,a0),d4
move.l (10,a0),d5
move.l (6,a0),d6
move.l (14,a0),d7
move.l d1,(0,a2)
move.l d3,(4,a2)
move.l d0,(8,a2)
move.l d2,(12,a2)
move.w (16,a0),d1
move.w (24,a0),d0
move.w (20,a0),d3
move.w (28,a0),d2
move.w (18,a0),d4
move.w (26,a0),d5
move.w (22,a0),d6
move.w (30,a0),d7
move.w d1,(16,a2)
move.w d0,(24,a2)
move.w d3,(20,a2)
move.w d2,(28,a2)
move.w d4,(18,a2)
move.w d5,(26,a2)
move.w d6,(22,a2)
move.w d7,(30,a2)
move.l d6,a5
move.l d7,a6
merge d1,d0,d6,d7,$00ff00ff,8
merge d3,d2,d6,d7,$00ff00ff,8
merge d1,d3,d6,d7,$0f0f0f0f,4
merge d0,d2,d6,d7,$0f0f0f0f,4
exg d1,a5
exg d0,a6
merge d4,d5,d6,d7,$00ff00ff,8
merge d1,d0,d6,d7,$00ff00ff,8
merge d4,d1,d6,d7,$0f0f0f0f,4
merge d5,d0,d6,d7,$0f0f0f0f,4
merge d3,d1,d6,d7,$33333333,2
merge d2,d0,d6,d7,$33333333,2
merge d3,d2,d6,d7,$55555555,1
merge d1,d0,d6,d7,$55555555,1
move.l d0,(0*4,sp) ;plane0 (movem.l is slower!)
move.l d1,(1*4,sp) ;plane1
move.l d2,(2*4,sp) ;plane2
move.l d3,(3*4,sp) ;plane3
move.l a5,d3
move.l a6,d2
merge d3,d4,d6,d7,$33333333,2
merge d2,d5,d6,d7,$33333333,2
merge d3,d2,d6,d7,$55555555,1
merge d4,d5,d6,d7,$55555555,1
move.l d5,(4*4,sp) ;plane4
move.l d4,(5*4,sp) ;plane5
move.l d2,(6*4,sp) ;plane6
move.l d3,(7*4,sp) ;plane7
else ; depth 6 code, xlate from 8-bit to 6-bit EHB
moveq #0,d7
move.l (a0),(a2) ; copy to compare buffer
move.l (4,a0),(4,a2)
move.l (8,a0),(8,a2)
move.l (12,a0),(12,a2)
move.l (16,a0),(16,a2)
move.l (20,a0),(20,a2)
move.l (24,a0),(24,a2)
move.l (28,a0),(28,a2)
xlate 0,d1 ; does 8-bit to EHB colour translate
xlate 1,d0 ; 4 pixels at a time
xlate 4,d3
xlate 5,d2
merge d1,d3,d6,d7,$0f0f0f0f,4
merge d0,d2,d6,d7,$0f0f0f0f,4
movea.l d1,a5
movea.l d0,a6
moveq #0,d7
xlate 2,d4
xlate 3,d5
xlate 6,d1
xlate 7,d0
merge d4,d1,d6,d7,$0f0f0f0f,4
merge d5,d0,d6,d7,$0f0f0f0f,4
merge d3,d1,d6,d7,$33333333,2
merge d2,d0,d6,d7,$33333333,2
merge d3,d2,d6,d7,$55555555,1
merge d1,d0,d6,d7,$55555555,1
move.l d0,(0*4,sp) ;plane0 (movem.l is slower!)
move.l d1,(1*4,sp) ;plane1
move.l d2,(2*4,sp) ;plane2
move.l d3,(3*4,sp) ;plane3
move.l a5,d3
move.l a6,d2
merge d3,d4,d6,d7,$33333333,2
merge d2,d5,d6,d7,$33333333,2
merge d4,d5,d6,d7,$55555555,1
move.l d5,(4*4,sp) ;plane4
move.l d4,(5*4,sp) ;plane5
adda.w #32,a0
adda.w #32,a2
move.l a1,(32,sp) ; save output address
addq.l #4,a1 ; skip 32 pixels on output
cmpa.l (40,sp),a0
bcc.w final_case
ifle depth-6
tst.w (44,sp) ; force_update?
bne.b main_case
cmpm.l (a0)+,(a2)+ ; compare next 32 pixels
bne.b mstub1
cmpm.l (a0)+,(a2)+
bne.b mstub2
cmpm.l (a0)+,(a2)+
bne.b mstub3
cmpm.l (a0)+,(a2)+
bne.b mstub4
cmpm.l (a0)+,(a2)+
bne.b mstub5
cmpm.l (a0)+,(a2)+
bne.b mstub6
cmpm.l (a0)+,(a2)+
bne.b mstub7
cmpm.l (a0)+,(a2)+
bne.b mstub8
addq.l #4,a1 ; skip 32 pixels on output
cmpa.l (40,sp),a0
bcs.b main_loop
bra.w final_case ; exit if no more changes found
mstub8: subq.l #4,a0
subq.l #4,a2
mstub7: subq.l #4,a0
subq.l #4,a2
mstub6: subq.l #4,a0
subq.l #4,a2
mstub5: subq.l #4,a0
subq.l #4,a2
mstub4: subq.l #4,a0
subq.l #4,a2
mstub3: subq.l #4,a0
subq.l #4,a2
mstub2: subq.l #4,a0
subq.l #4,a2
mstub1: subq.l #4,a0
subq.l #4,a2
main_case: move.l a1,(36,sp) ; save current output address
move.l (32,sp),a1 ; a1 = previous output address
ifgt depth-6
move.l (0,a0),d1
move.l (4,a0),d3
move.l (8,a0),d0
move.l (12,a0),d2
move.l (2,a0),d4
move.l (10,a0),d5
move.l (6,a0),d6
move.l (14,a0),d7
move.l d1,(0,a2)
move.l d3,(4,a2)
move.l d0,(8,a2)
move.l d2,(12,a2)
move.w (16,a0),d1
move.w (24,a0),d0
move.w (20,a0),d3
move.w (28,a0),d2
move.w (18,a0),d4
move.w (26,a0),d5
move.w (22,a0),d6
move.w (30,a0),d7
move.w d1,(16,a2)
move.w d0,(24,a2)
move.w d3,(20,a2)
move.w d2,(28,a2)
move.w d4,(18,a2)
move.w d5,(26,a2)
move.w d6,(22,a2)
move.w d7,(30,a2)
move.l d6,a5
move.l d7,a6
move.l (0*4,sp),(a1) ;plane0
adda.l a3,a1 ;a1+=plsiz
merge d1,d0,d6,d7,$00ff00ff,8
merge d3,d2,d6,d7,$00ff00ff,8
move.l (1*4,sp),(a1) ;plane1
adda.l a3,a1 ;a1+=plsiz
merge d1,d3,d6,d7,$0f0f0f0f,4
merge d0,d2,d6,d7,$0f0f0f0f,4
exg d1,a5
exg d0,a6
move.l (2*4,sp),(a1) ;plane2
adda.l a3,a1 ;a1+=plsiz
merge d4,d5,d6,d7,$00ff00ff,8
merge d1,d0,d6,d7,$00ff00ff,8
move.l (3*4,sp),(a1) ;plane3
adda.l a3,a1 ;a1+=plsiz
merge d4,d1,d6,d7,$0f0f0f0f,4
merge d5,d0,d6,d7,$0f0f0f0f,4
move.l (4*4,sp),(a1) ;plane4
adda.l a3,a1 ;a1+=plsiz
merge d3,d1,d6,d7,$33333333,2
merge d2,d0,d6,d7,$33333333,2
move.l (5*4,sp),(a1) ;plane5
adda.l a3,a1 ;a1+=plsiz
merge d3,d2,d6,d7,$55555555,1
merge d1,d0,d6,d7,$55555555,1
move.l d0,(0*4,sp) ;plane0 (movem.l is slower!)
move.l d1,(1*4,sp) ;plane1
move.l d2,(2*4,sp) ;plane2
move.l d3,(3*4,sp) ;plane3
move.l a5,d3
move.l a6,d2
move.l (6*4,sp),(a1) ;plane6
adda.l a3,a1 ;a1+=plsiz
merge d3,d4,d6,d7,$33333333,2
merge d2,d5,d6,d7,$33333333,2
move.l (7*4,sp),(a1) ;plane7
adda.l a3,a1 ;a1+=plsiz
merge d3,d2,d6,d7,$55555555,1
merge d4,d5,d6,d7,$55555555,1
move.l d5,(4*4,sp) ;plane4
move.l d4,(5*4,sp) ;plane5
move.l d2,(6*4,sp) ;plane6
move.l d3,(7*4,sp) ;plane7
else ; depth 6 code, xlate from 8-bit to 6-bit EHB
moveq #0,d7
move.l (a0),(a2)
move.l (4,a0),(4,a2)
move.l (8,a0),(8,a2)
move.l (12,a0),(12,a2)
move.l (16,a0),(16,a2)
move.l (20,a0),(20,a2)
move.l (24,a0),(24,a2)
move.l (28,a0),(28,a2)
xlate 0,d1 ; does 8-bit to EHB colour translate
xlate 1,d0 ; 4 pixels at a time
xlate 4,d3
xlate 5,d2
move.l (0*4,sp),(a1) ;plane0
adda.l a3,a1 ;a1+=plsiz
merge d1,d3,d6,d7,$0f0f0f0f,4
merge d0,d2,d6,d7,$0f0f0f0f,4
movea.l d1,a5
movea.l d0,a6
moveq #0,d7
xlate 2,d4
xlate 3,d5
xlate 6,d1
xlate 7,d0
move.l (1*4,sp),(a1) ;plane1
adda.l a3,a1 ;a1+=plsiz
merge d4,d1,d6,d7,$0f0f0f0f,4
merge d5,d0,d6,d7,$0f0f0f0f,4
move.l (2*4,sp),(a1) ;plane2
adda.l a3,a1 ;a1+=plsiz
merge d3,d1,d6,d7,$33333333,2
merge d2,d0,d6,d7,$33333333,2
move.l (3*4,sp),(a1) ;plane3
adda.l a3,a1 ;a1+=plsiz
merge d3,d2,d6,d7,$55555555,1
merge d1,d0,d6,d7,$55555555,1
move.l d0,(0*4,sp) ;plane0 (movem.l is slower!)
move.l d1,(1*4,sp) ;plane1
move.l d2,(2*4,sp) ;plane2
move.l d3,(3*4,sp) ;plane3
move.l (4*4,sp),(a1) ;plane4
adda.l a3,a1 ;a1+=plsiz
move.l a5,d3
move.l a6,d2
merge d3,d4,d6,d7,$33333333,2
move.l (5*4,sp),(a1) ;plane5
adda.l a3,a1 ;a1+=plsiz
merge d2,d5,d6,d7,$33333333,2
merge d4,d5,d6,d7,$55555555,1
move.l d5,(4*4,sp) ;plane4
move.l d4,(5*4,sp) ;plane5
adda.w #32,a0
adda.w #32,a2
movea.l (36,sp),a1 ; restore current output address
move.l a1,(32,sp) ; save output address
addq.l #4,a1 ; skip 32 pixels on output
cmpa.l (40,sp),a0
bcs.w main_loop
final_case: move.l (32,sp),a1 ; a1 = previous output address
move.l (0*4,sp),(a1) ;plane0
adda.l a3,a1 ;a1+=plsiz
move.l (1*4,sp),(a1) ;plane1
adda.l a3,a1 ;a1+=plsiz
move.l (2*4,sp),(a1) ;plane2
adda.l a3,a1 ;a1+=plsiz
move.l (3*4,sp),(a1) ;plane3
adda.l a3,a1 ;a1+=plsiz
move.l (4*4,sp),(a1) ;plane4
adda.l a3,a1 ;a1+=plsiz
move.l (5*4,sp),(a1) ;plane5
ifgt depth-6
adda.l a3,a1 ;a1+=plsiz
move.l (6*4,sp),(a1) ;plane6
adda.l a3,a1 ;a1+=plsiz
move.l (7*4,sp),(a1) ;plane7
exit: add.w #46,sp
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
cnop 0,4